Spine Coin toss lower back pain away.
It is the spine that allows for Forward or Backward bending motion. This can be painful if not maintained with constructive habits. When it is painful it becomes the Spine Coin. Following is what those habits are/can be. In the previous article we talked about the coin of comparison: two sides which are less- than and better-than. But with the Spine Coin there are several versions of the coin, both with two sides. One stated previously is forward bend/backward bend. This coin though appearing in the body actually begins in the thought of the sedentary/motion coin. Learn how to modify your thoughts with logic and, by doing so, change your body with healthier behaviors.
The Spine Coin includes the entire area of the spine which is supported by leg muscles, abdominal muscles, back and shoulder muscles and glute muscles. Consider this article to be Part 1 of the Spine Coin; it will focus on the lower back. Lower back pain has two sides: forward bend/ back bend and too little activity /too much activity.
Lower back pain is the chief complaint of all back complaints. It is also a place where opposites meet: forward/backward bends, too sedentary/too active. Don’t be weighed down by the Spine Coin of Lower back pain due to the above contributing factors : we sit too much, the lower back cries out in pain , if we are too active with strenuous exercise, the lower back cries out. The Spine coin is a coin we desire to lose.
Sitting causes lower back pain problems along with a myriad of problems when it is done to excess. The difficulty here is moving from the inertia that is caused by too much sitting. The only way to do this is to move the behavior back to the thought realm, by engaging the mind, apply logic not emotion as to what will make you feel better. Hopefully you read the link on sitting and now are ready to look at improving your sitting behavior.
Excessive sitting while at work or school, not only contributes to negative health issues but actually causes us to feel exhausted. As a result of this sense of exhaustion when one leaves work one wants to go home and rest. Engage your mind and toss this Spine coin away by discovering the fallacy of this strategy.
Logic tells us that sitting more continues the downward spiral of lower back pain and fatigue. Sitting too much can actually lower your life expectancy. So lose that coin, apply logic. Take steps to break the constant sitting pattern.Go to yoga, take a walk but be energized and restored. Yoga is “ The gas station for the soul”.
Too much physical activity that involves weight bearing such as running, weight lifting, jumping or rapid dynamic movements cause tension in the 2nd chakra muscle groups as well as the back and rib muscles. When these activities are repeated the tight muscles stay contracted and injuries can occur. So toss away the Spine Coin and continue to ascend up the ladder of peace and joy , through painless quality of life. Introduce yoga stretches to your daily routine or intersperse them while participating in the weight bearing activities.
If you have sciatica or herniated discs then consult with your physician and yoga teacher for modifications in certain poses to increase spine health.
If you are already suffering from lower back pain then a choice to recover is yoga. Yoga focuses on the conditions contributing to lower back pain and yes it can be reversed or mitigated, thus tossing away the Spine Coin. Yoga focuses on traction, leverage and contraction. Yoga also focuses on the mind in command and in unity of the body. So you realize when the least bit of discomfort is creeping in and then you stop, take a break, stretch, walk, stand, do a yoga pose at the office. Come more often to our yoga classes to find out the how and why. For detail enroll in the Posture Clinics (scroll down the workshops page), attend TGIF or Restorative classes. In May YbD will begin a series of specialized classes focusing on certain areas of the body. Watch our weekly schedule for these posting.