My Life Manual?

My Life Manual?

I always wanted to know why, when I was born, I did not recieve my Life Manual. I complained to people, “they should have given me a manual when I was born to let me know this thing would happen”. I would say, “How come no one ever told me...

Where’s Bob, cont’d……

Arrived in California, to fly home soon. Classes back on with Bob starting Tuesday.  From Colorado, headed west with the camper installed; note the juicery behind them.      Now at a truckstop in Utah: camper and beautiful hills in the background...

Where we are going….

In case you missed it, if you were a part of it , if you still want to join:   There is a movement going on in this world of beginning to let go of the material driven life. This is done merely by seeking balance in one’s life. Learning how to feel and learning...

Where’s Bob?

Where’s Bob? Each time we get an update we will let you know how the “GWYM” trip is going.  Last sighted taking photos in Michigan of his family while carving pumpkins. 10/30/15   Still in MI: 11/1/15     Novemeber 10:...