Announcement, Workshops
Amazing Radical Retreat : sprawling 6 bedroom home on the Maine Sea Divest from externals, live from interior Self. Trade the superficial for the Authentic Self. Eliminate dependencies and rely on your Source. Unplug and Connect. From the structure & discipline...
We often try to change our behvaviour by instituting new pattern to replace the old unwanted patterns. However, behaviour changes do not last because behaviour represents a symptom a meeas. One needs to change the mind, not a thought to be changed, but the mind, where...
A huge cause for Anxiety- reverse it! Tame it! One simple way More and more people are telling me they cannot wait for the election to be over because the anxiety they feel is getting to be too much: restless nights, little sleep, too much sleep, irritable moods....
Click on class. Click on “Register” and an email will be generated. add the name or time of class, hit send. You will be emailed the link. That simple. See below for more information.Go to the monthly schedule. A blue colored block denotes a class...
I went to the Embodiment Workshop in December at YbD. This class was led by Vanessa Seychak. As a result I decided to have a first time session with her regarding rolfing. I had recently sprained a few mucsles in my back and thought I might seek some relief or hasten...
Yoga by Donation will be entering its 10th year. So it is Time to Wear Your Conviction. As a way to celebrate and tell others about our community supportive and supported organization, we will be offering Tee shirts with a YbD logo. We have offered so much and...
O O Yoga for Bone Building O O is osteopenia osteoporosis and yes if you drink soda and eat chips regardless of your age you will want to attend YbD’s O O Yoga on Monday a.m.. Have a cocktail or wine everyday? Monday’s class may be right for you. Are you...
Not just yoga we will guide you to your dreams. Be sure to look at Month at a glance. Yoga classes are typically in blue blocks however we are not just yoga we will guide you to your dreams. We have workshops that go beyond yoga because our teachers have reached a...
Smile program has you helping us help you. Smile program is a program where you shop and at the same time some of that purchase goes to donation, Yoga by Donation. How does this occur? Each time you shop on Amazon for most things ( those marked eligible) Amazon will...
Reiki is a way to move to your larger body. Begin to take awareness of the fields of energy around you with REIKI. A baby is emotionally tied to its mother. When the mother is calm and loving so is the baby, sharing the same left frontal lobe wave patterns. When the...