The Ladder: see the complete way out of misery. It is always present to you.
We walk around unconscious in our daily life, operating in a habit determined by what we did yesterday. What we did yesterday determines what what we will do today, and what we will do tomorrow, etc.
When we begin to meditate, or just slow down in our daily life and breathe, we discover there is a ladder. “Oh, there is a ladder to take me from this: mess/misery/dirge/routine/ boredome/stress/fast pace, etc.” There is a ladder, which can be a metaphor for helping us rise above our problems and concerns. The ladder comes in the form of help, each helper being a rung on the ladder. And to continue the metaphor one needs to take hold of the ladder, be sure it is on stable ground and then, one rung at a time, grab on to a rung, put our foot on the first rung and proceed to climb the ladder.
In climbing a ladder one needs to be unencumbered, free to move higher and higher up the rungs, one needs never to look down and just proceed upward. There are many helpers made avaialble to us to climb higher and higher. But we need to be able to recognize the form of the helper.
The ladder can begin to be seen in your life either thru complete surrender or through finding balance in your everyday life. A lawyer has found balance and found her ladder. She has written this article and wishes to share it with you.
The ladder can be seen when we begin living an adventure. (Did you miss the workshop: Living an Adventure ? It will be offered again by request.) There is so much wisdom to be garnered from accessing the ladder and your adventure.
The ladder is always there. However we only see the ladder when our heart alas desires something that is not in our conscious awareness. Follow your feelings, but do not be ruled by them and you will find the ladder. Become familiar with the evolutionary ladder. You can find the ladder on your yoga mat. Remember to make the yoga mat your universe; move to a life of ease and grace as you look at the world from a higher perspective.