don't like the way you feel change your mind

Don’t like the way you feel, change your mind

I would like to continue the theme of real love; feeling
anything less and you most likely don’t like the way
you feel, change your mind .
Last week we asked a question, which hopefully
you are still asking. It takes 21 days to break an old
habit and form a new one. So keep asking the question.

However it is also essential that we learn how easy it can
be to change our mind when our thoughts are going to unkind
places. Think and act on it and you most likely don’t
like the way you feel, change your mind.

When we visit, with our thoughts, places other than
beneficence, we actually constrict the body when we act
on the negative thought. The action is not just physically
moving toward an overt action against. The action can be
speaking out loud to another regarding this negativity.
If we are present to ourselves when we speak
we can feel the constriction in our own body when wishing
others harm and of not delighting in their success. By giving
ourselves time to feel we slowly realize that our negative
thoughts compounded with actions toward someone
are not just unkind but that they are also debilitating
to our Self. Do you want to get healthy;
do you want to stay healthy?

If the answer is “yes” then try giving your love away.
There is a sweet little song that says “when you give your
love away it will bounce right back to you”. So here is the
boomerang of love in application. Apply it whenever
you don’t  like the way you feel, change your mind :

Whenever you find yourself feeling envy or jealous,
turn your thoughts around prior to taking action toward
the person and simply say “I wish you well. I wish you
happiness and success. When I wish you well I wish my Self well”.

Whenever you find you are becoming frustrated or angry with
another simply say “I wish you well. I wish you happiness and success.
When I wish you well I wish my Self well”.

Whenever you are feeling unkind toward anyone, that feeling
was preceded by an unkind thought, whether you are aware
of it or not so quickly say, “I wish you well. I wish you happiness
 and success. When I wish you well I wish my Self well”.

Most times anger arises because we simply do not have enough
information. Envy arises because we think we need something,
and forget that we have all we need when we need it. Unkindness
arises because we don’t want to feel our own inadequacy. I am not
asking you to say this aloud. Deal with the problem where the source
is, inside you. Say it quietly to yourself and you will discover
the belief that generates the thought that generates the feeling.
Say it quietly to yourself prior to taking action with this intention.
Accept that it is okay to have the thought, just not okay to
act on the thought. Give yourself permission to change your mind.
You will discover a belief that you want to bust.
Once the belief is discovered you can toss all those thoughts and
feelings away. They will trouble you no more. Instead of troubling
thoughts and anxious feelings you will have joy and peace and
your body will open to the limitlessness of these pronouncements.
Note:  at YbD we are providing several ways to help
you do this:

This weekend we offer Prayer Flags Workshop, journey
 to the heart thru fabric. Begin to create energizing and
liberating ways of thinking and acting.

Pam will facilitate The Work on Sunday. Learn how to 
reprogram your mind. 

Meditation class shows you what you are thinking and
helps to magnify and hasten the change process.
All yoga classes quiet the mind to see what is really
motivating you.