Interactive Meditation

Virtual Studio 999 your home, anytown

Interactive meditation Interactive Meditation leads you to the manual that you thought was misplaced after birth. The class is a gathering of those who wish to have a better mind set, and a better life. It is a time to gather and meditate with others as a fire burns brighter with more logs so does […]

Tuesday Deep Stretch Vinyasa W Tom

Tuesday Slow Ashtanga (virtual) Led by Tom who will take you through the namaskars and vinyasas between the various selected asana series: standing and floor. Request the Zoom link by email to The class offers deep stretches and switches between vinyasas ( optional) or you may remain in Down Dog or Child's Pose and […]


ACOL 40 days in 40 plus weeks choose one day

ACOL 40 days and 40 nights discuss application and practice sitillness methods and entrance in 40 plus weeks. At finish you will be at the moutain top and cionnect to the One relationship that supports you in all of Life thus  being satisfied with the life you are living now. Connect here for the link […]

A Course of Love: 40 Days and Nights

Remote Class Gathering Zoom LIVE Internet

only One relationship. Connect and improve every situation with whom you interact. A Course of Love develops the One relationship


Body Aware a slow movement class

Body Aware a slow movement class This once a month class assists in slowing your movements down so that you can become aware of the mind interference which creates asymetry and contraction and pain in the body. When it is observed in a very casual way one develops the inner sense of knowing and finding […]